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Combined Worship Services

In months having five Sundays, we gather at one of our churches for a combined worship service.  We come from different theological traditions, different denominations, but when we worship the Lord, we are one big family.

United Way Partnership

We pitch in to help with the United Way Day of Caring, which gives tangible help improving the homes and parks in our neighborhood. 

We refer families in need to the 2-1-1 hotline, a free United Way service.  2-1-1 is a free service that connects individuals and families in need with the many service agencies working in our county.  No need to write down dozens of numbers looking for help.  The friendly people at the 2-1-1 line can direct you to those who can help you.

Here at the Potters House we act as a whole, move as one, and have each others back.
Here you can find and see our many activities that display the importance of family and community.
Life is full of twists and turns and for those looking for a helping hand, we are here.

Click Here To Apply Now.



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